
Corporate Social Responsibility

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we are committed to the interests of the society by taking responsibility for the impact of our activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of our operations.

The company is committed to improving the quality of life for employees and their families as well as for the local community and society at large.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy


We believe in preserving socio-economic and environmental balance which continues to be eroded by the effects of urbanisation and industrialization. Our contribution towards maintaining equilibrium will be through initiatives in education, health care, livelihood enhancement and environment preservation.

Objectives / Initiatives

Our vision for CSR continues to reflect the programs that we have undertaken through decades past. These now qualify under the current CSR regulations.

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We commit to sustainable and reliable initiatives in education, health care and environment. We would undertake these within our corporate structure by formulating and implementing programs in the initiatives mentioned below unless it is found reasonable or necessary to undertake such programs through a third party trust as permissible under law.

As a part of its CSR activities, the Company may undertake projects and / or programs in the following fields.

Health Care

Promoting healthcare through:
  • Prevention and Awareness Programs
  • Nutritional programs
  • Health care facilities
  • Providing health care equipment & medication
  • Health oriented technology incubators


Promoting environmental sustainability, ecological balance, and protection of flora and fauna through:

  • Awareness for protection and Preservation of flora and fauna
  • Institutes and organisations for preservation and protection of flora & fauna
  • PMO Relief Funds during natural calamities

Projects / Programs & Budgets

Sustainable projects / programs will form part of the CSR activities. Based on their impact, these may be altered in their scope and allocated budgets, from time to time.

The surplus arising out of the CSR projects or programs or activities shall not form part of the business profit of the Company.